Larger Capacity Models
It is an equipment prepared to generate drinking water in large quantities by means of the condensation process with a cutting-edge and innovative technology.
It reproduces the phenomenon of condensation artificially inside the unit by means of a mechanical cooling cycle. The efficiency of this cycle, driven by electrical energy or other energy sources, including renewable ones, allows the water to be generated at very competitive prices. The daily water production of this equipment reaches up to 7200 litres, depending on the environmental conditions: temperature and relative humidity of the air.

MAYAQWA 5000 II M/E is capable of generating up to 8,400 litres in a day under the most favourable conditions.
MAYAQWA units use totally CFC-free refrigeration elements and are designed to be powered by means of electrical energy that can be obtained from the distribution network or from generators integrated in the unit itself and alternatively with electricity of 100% clean origin by means of wind turbines and photovoltaic collectors with automatic solar tracking.